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Stickya Adventurya "You must be cheating" walkthrough.

Posted by life - April 30th, 2009

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Stickya Adventurya "You must be cheating" walkthrough.


Note: You'll probably need to go through this tutorial multiple times before you start to get the hang of things. My high score was only 12 deaths; all from the final boss because I'm bad at it. You can not die almost the whole game if you want to stand a chance against him. Good luck if you're a sadistic bastard like me.


LEVEL 1) [EASY] Mash E at the door.

LEVEL 2) [EASY] Go right.

LEVEL 3) [EASY] Go right.


LEVEL 5) [EASY] The path to avoiding the spiked floors. You have to float fast. The pattern is Right > Left > Right.

LEVEL 6) [EASY] Use attack 1 four times to push the box and make a platform for you to jump to the door with.

LEVEL 7) [EASY] Jump to the snake when his head is furthest down and hold on by hitting E. Immediately after hitting E hit the jump button (up key) to land on the next platform and continue though the door.

LEVEL 8) [MEDIUM] Hit E at the large door to make a cut scene appear. This level takes practice. My method is stand at the first red door until the large door of the boss opens. When it opens immediately jump up to the platform. Right when the boss door shuts you need to jump and use attack one. The item he throws at you will bounce back to him. Jump back down to the starting spot and repeat five times until he's dead. This whole sequence needs to take place in less than two seconds. Practice the rhythm and you'll be able to pull it off without getting hit 90% of the time.

LEVEL 9) [EASY] Stay where you are, the chainsaw guy will not make it to your door. When he turns around hit the switch with the E button. Go through the door.

LEVEL 10) [MEDIUM] This level is easy after you know the pattern. Just make sure you jump before you move left or right or you'll disturb the ones next to you and have to do it again. The pattern is Jump to black > Jump to red> Jump to door.

LEVEL 11) [EASY] Stay where you are, the chainsaw guys will not make it to your door. When they turn around grab the guitar and use the number 2 key to kill them both. Go through the door. WARNING: READ LEVEL 12 BEFORE GOING THROUGH THE DOOR.

LEVEL 12) [MEDIUM] Immediately go right and grab the pick ups. Stand on top of the box and kill the first chain saw guy to come out with attack 2. Hop down to the right and wait for the next chainsaw guy to come out and kill him with attack 2. Quickly use attack 1 to push the box left. Jump up fast to the left and grab more power ups. Repeat this process until you have pushed the box at least four times. Make a jump for the door to the left by standing on the box. The key to this level is not to let the machine spawn more than 3 chain saw guys on the screen at once. Any more than this and you're gonna be losing lives trying to get the power ups. WARNING: READ LEVEL 13 BEFORE GOING THROUGH THE DOOR.

LEVEL 13) [HARD] You need to hold right as soon as the level starts. Jump over both of the spiked cookies while still holding right and hit E right when you get to the door or you'll be killed during the door opening animation. If you miss the jump and get hit than you're fucked and are probably going to lose a bunch of lives trying to jump over the seemingly random cookies. You have to do it on the first try.

LEVEL 14) [EASY] Use attack 1 on the food before the waiter delivers it. Go through the door.

LEVEL 15) [MEDIUM] The guitar battle with slash. Just hit all of the notes you can. I noticed you can play his notes when it's his turn sometimes and you'll still get score from it. After a few tries this will be very easy to you.

LEVEL 16) [MEDIUM] Drop down to the left when you have a clear shot for it. Press against the wall.When the little machine that says "go" hits the floor jump while still pressing against the wall. Hit the switches when you have a chance and kill five bad guys. It's easier if you keep doing it so there's only one or two guys on the screen at a time. After five jump over them and go into the door. This level is hard at first, but gets easy with practice.

LEVEL 17) [EASY] Jump to the snake using the same technique as level 7 and land on the platform. Pull the switch and jump back the same way you came. Drop down to the platform with the door carefully.

LEVEL 18) [HARD] Wait until the machine spawns all of the enemies. Stand inside the door so you're right against the edge almost poking out. When a chainsaw guy comes down jump and use attack 1. You'll be able to hit him and he won't be able to hit you. Takes a few tries to get the timing down. Be careful when refueling. When you get the timing down this level is easy. Go through the door.

LEVEL 19) [EASY] Run to the right and hit the 3 key on your keyboard right when you touch the skateboard. Go through the door.

LEVEL 20) [EASY] Just jump and let the trampoline make you hit your head on the platform above. After this part just continue to the door. The drug effect is easy to maneuver through.

LEVEL 21) [EASY] Grab the skateboard and hit the 3 key. Go through the door.

LEVEL 22) EASY] Go to the lever and mash the E key as hard as you can until all of the enemies are crushed. Lower yourself to the door.

LEVEL 23) [MEDIUM] Stay put until the countdown says 29. Jump down to the left and stand in the middle safely. When the walls are getting very close to you when the timer is at 5 you need to go slightly to the left so your poking out of the door just a little bit. When the timer hits 1 mash the E key as fast as you can. This level can be tricky.

LEVEL 24) [INSANE] This level is hell until you get the timing down. Even then it's hard not to mess up. There's a small opening you can stand at right after the 2nd green blob. From the spawn tap the right key gently so you are standing right next to the first black blob. Right when the first black blob touches the floor run and land yourself right in the small spot after the 2nd green blob. From this point wait until the 2nd black blob (2nd from the spawn) touches the little circle on the background. The instant it touches the background circle run and you'll just make it to the door. This will take practice.

LEVEL 25) [INSANE] I didn't find any flawless strategy for this level, I always lost at least five lives. I find if you stay to the left and run under the balls it's easier than floating in the middle. When it reaches zero take your time and just go with the flow. Abuse the jump key because it will save your ass many times.

LEVEL 26) [INSANE] There's no simple pattern here, you better hope you have at least 10 lives, because this fucker is gonna deplete them fast. Stand on either of the two platforms and wait until he goes into his floating slowly to you animation. When he's half a boss length's away use your key 2 attack. Sometimes you can quickly run to the left and avoid his counter attack, but usually not. After five hits of this he's down.

*****3/11/10 long due update***** Ok, after all the comments I realize that the last boss wasn't as difficult as I believed he was. Read the comments for a great alternative strategies.

Video of this guide by emptywindow:

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Stickya Adventurya "You must be cheating" walkthrough.



I spent like half an hour on 23 trying to perfect it. I was watching the two sets of grayish yellow balls, and if you time it right, you can run through without stopping. Fuck this game. I'm saving it for last

I also had some fun playing this game (=
I was really lucky on one of my first try,in level 23 I just ran through the balls and made it on the third try and in level 24 I just lost one life while waiting for the counter to reach 0 and then got through it on the second try.
Congratulations on beating this monster of a game =]

Thanks for the guide!

I'm having trouble on the snakes level though, sometimes it won't make the jump, costing me a few lives.

I can beat everything else pretty constant too, except for level 24 x(. Fuck this shit, I'll have it by tomorrow.

Thanks for the guide, it helped me a lot. I had to beat the final boss with one life though and I did it, according to Stickya I am a cheater with you.

Got it, I died like 19 times too, so it was pretty close.

Thanks again for the walkthrough!

I almost forgot!



Level 26 [EASY]
After he drops the first rock run fast him picking up the guitar. Jump up to the top right. Wait for him to go down and attack then come back up right by you. JUMP & ATTACK! This will hurt him twice. Stay up in the top right. He will go back down and do his attack thing, then come right back to you again.. Jump & ATTACK AGAIN! Doing two more bouts of damage. This time follow him left to get more guitar ammo then right back to the top right where you've been posted up. This time the timing has to be perfect to finish him off, but when he comes back up from his attack jump & ATTACK! If you get it right this will finish him off. If not just wait for him to come back close to you in the top right and hit him for the final blow.

I better get some recognition on this one. Haha

Oh and Level 23 [EASY]!!
Immediately grab guitars on your left while staying on the platform. Literally sit there and play the guitar on the left side of the platform killing every guy that drops from that side. When the guys start immediately dying from the spawner drop down and wait at the door. You will have PLENTY of time because the counter went down once every time you killed a guy with your guitar.. and then AGAIN when the spikes hit the already dead bodies and they explode! No button mashing necessary at the end. :D

ALSO: Level 16 [EASY]
When the level starts run to the last lever. This drops a rock right on the spawner. When the spaner timer says 'GO' you press E. Repeat 5 times and walk through the door. :)

Glad I could be of use.. whether you use these or not. And it's a pleasure racing you for medals too. Haha you and Varien I'm having the most checking up on. Fleshlight is fun but he ruins the secret medals that put us true gamers ahead. :P

LVL 24 There's also a gap before the last black blob.

The last boss is actually very easy. Just run and grab the guitar after the boss drops the rock at you, then go stand on one of the platforms. If the boss is to the right of you, run and jump onto the left platform. Go to the right one if the boss is to the left of you when you get the guitar.

Now, it's as simple as waiting. When the boss comes near you, hit 2 as he is coming down/going up, and it will hit him, making him blink. He cannot (or, in my game, didn't) attack while he is blinking. I used that time to run and grab the guitar again.

I lost only 2 lives during that fight, and those were lost trying to figure out the pattern I just mentioned.

ew wtf?


ummm your image scares the hell out of me is that you?

just saying, im contributing to the society of newgrounds! by making icons! thought i let you know since you are an icon mod

that video walkthrough makes it look so easy. It kinda is up until the last 2 :(

Wowww, you must be pissed off on working your way for all of those Fear Unlimited 2 medals and they removed them. Does Tom not test these games himself before he allows medals? Fear Unlimited 2 was a disgrace to the medal system NG Staff made a great choice with this one. As for you I feel sorry, I think the least NG could do is some Store creditz or something ;P.

i'm glad it's gone

this guy is god he got rank and whistile to maximum HOW DID YOU DO THIS and even the lvl is awewsome

I ain't no sadist, but I'm pretty dang drunk about now, so I'm going to spend my time on this.

Also, yay for boobs and vomit.

I finally finished this forsaken game. I spent weeks conditioning for this last medal. I was one death away, but I got it. I managed to only die once through the whole game, but the ball pit was like going through the gates of hell for me. Thank you so much for that walkthrough. I couldn't have pulled it off without it. I'm just glad I don't have to play that game ever again.

can i ask you a question?

absolutely not

Don;t you think your user name is ironic :P JKJK


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