Unoriginality at it's finest.
Comparing this audio to your previous audios it's just recycled garbage. You can hear the same loops being used over and over again in all your new "Music maker" songs.
Stringing together pre-made loops in a program is hardly making music. It's people like you that are making the general quality of the audio portal drastically plummet down.
After even all that, the song was complete shit. It was all building up to nothing. You know what I mean? I was waiting for the explosion of trance and excitement, but it never came. You had too many empty sounding spots with the same 3 chord loops playing over and over and over. It was just annoying and hardly enjoyable.
You submitted as trance and yet you hardly include any type of drum or percussion instruments. It's just boring. Wait; maybe this is the right category, it sure did put me in trace. And my trance I mean bored me to death.
Work on your rhythms for them to include less repetition. pick up and instrument. Learn to play guitar. Anything is better then this shit.